Feb. 1948 – Feb. 2022
Frank was born on Feb. 18, 1948 in Torrance, CA to Frank and Alice Machado. The family moved to Gustine, CA when he was seven years old.
He was raised on dairy farms in Gustine, Newman and Crows Landing. He learned the dairy business from his parents and other dairymen. He worked many jobs in his lifetime. He worked at many dairies, clipped cows, drove a hay truck and a cattle truck. His mother moved her dairy to Beaver, OR in 1981 and Frank and his family moved there to run the dairy.
Frank graduated from Orestimba High in Newman, CA in 1967. A few years later he met his wife, Donna. They have been together 51 years. They raised three daughters and helped raise their grandchildren. Frank & Donna moved back to the Central Valley in 2007. They settled in Merced in 2016. They both enjoyed sitting on their front porch watching the neighborhood and drinking coffee. Frank enjoyed his game chickens, fishing and especially loved his girls and all his grandchildren.
Frank is survived by his loving wife, Donna Machado; his daughters Shelley Zuidema of Tillamook, OR and Dodie Hardaway of Turlock, CA; his sisters Alice Davis of Clyde, CA and Rose Tow of Beaver, OR; and his brothers Manuel Machado of Tulare, CA, George Machado of Biggsville, IL and Ray Machado of Kimberling City, MO. He was preceded in death by his parents Frank and Alice, and his daughter Nora Cardwell.
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Anthony Pires says
March 23, 2022 at 7:18 pmHi Tabitha, I don’t know if you remember me, but I did the insurance in Ceres, so sorry to hear about your papa, take care God bless, tell your Grandmother I send my condolences.
Aline says
February 28, 2022 at 4:06 amUncle Frank we miss you so much. Living so close to you and spending day on the farm in Beaver are some of my fondest memories! Learning about raising rabbits, feeding calves, gathering eggs. So many memories. You will always be in my heart! Say hi to grandma and grandpa for me! Love you so much!
Tosha says
February 27, 2022 at 4:10 amGrandpa, thank you for guiding me through life. I will always miss you! I have so many wonderful memories to hang on to & You were a role model for all. Your guidance and love will carry me through to the end of my days. I love you Grandpa, until we meet again. -!
JACOB says
February 26, 2022 at 11:56 pmThank you grandpa,
For not only bring us in your life when we needed it the most but being a dad & rollmodel that made me into the man I am today. You was tough on me when I needed it, and loving when I was having hard times. No words can truly tell how amazing you was just the memories that I will never forget. You will always be in my heart! Goodbyes are not needed to be said we will see each other again. I love you so much grandpa! Rest in peace you deserve it after all you have done.
Tiffany knutinen says
February 25, 2022 at 10:54 pmgrandpa ,
You have shown me so much love in my life !!! Always being a friend an a father when I really need someone to setup we may not have always seen eye to eye but you showed me what love really is how u cared for grandma always thinking of her an never wanting to let go was a amazing love I will always cherish from you!!! you really made me a strong independent woman an to always be strong I will always be thinking about your love !!!! you really were a amazing person !!! tiff
Shannon Vienna says
February 25, 2022 at 9:23 pmUncle frank I was always tough i miss you uncle frank and love you I used to remember going to your house when you lived on a dairy and then in Turlock and the. Merced you told me my son was going to give me a run for my money yup indeed uncle frank that was true rest easy love you
Tabitha Machado says
February 25, 2022 at 9:10 pmGrandpa,
Thank you for always being my hero. Thank you for taking me under your wing and showing me what true love really is. Thank you for being more than just my grandpa but my dad, my protector, my peace, my counselor, my strength, my home. I would of never became the person I am today without you. And I will always remember and cherish the time I had with you and always remember how you put everyone else first before yourself. I hope to be just as strong and loving and giving as you are. Until we meet again, I’ll be loving you.
– always your gabby
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